Monday, September 30, 2013

I am excited to start this new adventure in my life. God has been so good to me . I just want to share His love with all who will listen. No matter what you are going through God will help you.  He loves you so much. I know we hear that and it just becomes words at times. But the Word of God says that He is near to the brokenhearted.  I know that is the truth because I have been that brokenhearted one and He has touched me with His healing oil, peace and strength. You just need to ask Him and let Him heal you and make you whole. It is like when you were a child and fell and hurt yourself you would cover up that cut. Your mom would try to move your hand and would say let me see, if you don't let me see it or have it I can't help you. The Lord says the same about our heart. He says let me see your broken heart, move your hands so I can see the damage that I may be able to heal it. So I say this day to move out of the way let Jesus have your heart and your hurts so He can heal you. I pray you are blessed. Peace to you all.